West Lothian Food Network

Locate in Midlothian was launched in 2020, Midlothian is the fastest growing local authority in Scotland in terms of population and house building. As a council they have launched their new Midlothian Strategy for Growth 2020-2025, which sets out the economic vision and key priorities for Midlothian helping local business, employers and those locating in Midlothian to have a clear sense of the opportunities available. This plan was co-developed with a range of partners from the business, third sector and local communities. Youth Work in East Ayrshire

Youth work delivery in East Ayrshire is delivered in partnership and collaboration with three 3rd sector organisations - Yipworld, Barnardos and The Zone. These organisations deliver youth work in their local respective localities providing a high standard of youth work to young people supported by their local knowledge and connection of what to deliver and when to deliver. Five years ago, the council went through a youth work review in partnership with their local partners. It was identified that local providers provided a greater knowledge of their areas and the needs of young people with these areas. The partnership with these organisations is strong and ensures that young people are receiving the best service locally.