Our Approach

We’re here to help councils build better and more equal local communities. To do that we want to empower local decision making and enable councils to do what works locally.

The COSLA Plan sets out the vision and overall priorities that our members have set.

The COSLA Plan covering period 2022-2027 was released in November 2022, and will reviewed and updated annually for the remainder of the term.

You can read the COSLA Plan 2022 - 2027 here.

Over this 5-year term, COSLA’s work will focus on 6 key priority areas that ensure Local Government will build on its record of  being a leader of transformational change across public services in a way that meet the needs of all those living in our communities.

Our Priorities

Strengthen Local Democracy

Through a re-established and revived relationship with Scottish Government, based on trust and mutual respect, Local Government is empowered to lead and act to ensure local democracy in Scotland adapts to deliver even more effective and inclusive representation of the range of needs and views expressed by our diverse communities.

Secure Sustainable Funding

In order that communities continue to get the support and high-quality services they need, we will work to ensure that Local Government is funded fairly and has multi-year financial settlements. This would mean more certainty for not only our workforce but for our communities and the services they rely on every day. It will also mean that councils can continue to innovate and lead transformation in the public sector but not at the expense of service delivery..

Improve the Wellbeing of Individuals, Families and Communities.

Local Government develops sustainable outcome-focused services with support for wellbeing at the core. Any services provided by the National Care Service are subject to local democratic control, enhance local outcomes and focus on the needs of local people.

Enhance Education & Support for Our Children and Young People

Local Government develops and secures the best education for all our children and young people and provides wider learning and support while tackling poverty and social inequality.

Deliver a Just Transition to Net Zero

In line with the principles of a ‘just transition’, Local Government makes a meaningful contribution to the 2030 climate change target and is a key leader and driver of local economies.

Support the Most Vulnerable in Our Communities

Local Government supports individuals and families through focussing on the realisation of human rights and tackling poverty and inequalities, particularly where the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Cost-of-Living crisis is impacting negatively on their life opportunities and chances.