In 2022, COSLA and the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) worked together with key partners to produce a framework document to support Elected Members in their scrutiny of Local Police Plans. This activity was carried out in response to a recommendation contained in a report published by the SPA, COSLA and Police Scotland in March 2022, which reviewed Local Police Plans.
An initial version of the document was presented to the COSLA Community Wellbeing Board on 2nd December 2022 where it was agreed that the framework document would be shared for feedback at the COSLA Police Scrutiny Conveners' Forum on 13th December 2022. The document was endorsed by both groups on the understanding that it be regarded as a 'living document', adapted in line with feedback from users.
The Framework is available here. The document can be adapted and expanded upon by local authorities, as appropriate, to reflect local arrangements, structures and processes, in partnership with the local area commander.
The Scottish Police Authority and COSLA intend to update this document, based on feedback from Elected Members and local officials who have been making use of it. Please provide your feedback on using this document to support your scrutiny activity in your local authority area by clicking here – the link takes you to the Scottish Police Authority’s Citizen Space engagement hub.