COSLA comment on workforce guidance
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COSLA has been urging Scottish Government to provide guidance to the Local Government workforce for the range of essential services it provides and we are pleased that this has now been done. We recognise that this is a very worrying time for the workforce and COSLA has been working closely with our Trade Union partners to develop FAQs which the workforce can easily access. The guidance and FAQs are science led and designed to give our valued Local Government Workforce the reassurance that they both want and deserve at this time.

COSLA President Alison Evison said: "This is information that our workforce can trust and be fully confident in. I have said since day one of this Pandemic that the Local Government workforce across our communities is doing an amazing job and we need to do everything we can in partnership with Scottish Government and Trade Unions to protect, support and safeguard these vital workers and the Guidance and FAQs does this.

"Where PPE is needed, Scottish Government must now ensure that there is sufficient supply and effective distribution. We will work closely with the Scottish Government to Provide information as required for PPE across Local Government."

Johanna Baxter, Head of Local Government, UNISON said: "UNISON welcomes the joint work undertaken with COSLA to address members’ concerns. We also welcome the clarity provided by this revised National guidance and it is right and appropriate this guidance is science-led.

"It should provide a level of reassurance to our members that they will be able to use their professional judgement to assess the appropriate PPE needed for the vital roles they are undertaking.

"The government now need to ensure, as a matter of urgency, that there are sufficient PPE supplies made available to protect those who are working hard to protect all of us."