Non-Healthcare Setting FAQs published

COSLA, the SJC and SNCT Unions have today jointly published an initial set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to accompany the Health Protection Scotland COVID-19 Information and Guidance for General (Non-Healthcare) Settings version 4.0. This guidance was published on 14 April by Health Protection Scotland (HPS) and is the official guidance on the matter of minimising the spread of COVID-19.

Scottish Government, COSLA and the Unions are working together to ensure that all employees and service users are kept safe; that all follow UK and Scottish Government Advice in relation to limiting the spread of COVID-19; and that during this time Local Authorities are able to keep delivering critical services to our communities. The FAQs have been developed to help Local Government employees understand the national COVID-19 advice.

COSLA and the joint Trade Unions are clear that our workforce must have access to practical guidance and necessary PPE to ensure they have the confidence to carry out their roles as part of this whole system approach to tackling COVID-19. The Scottish Government have assured that they will continue to work with COSLA and the Unions on future setting-specific guidance and that they will take all possible steps to ensure all appropriate supplies are made available to the workforce. We hope that this will give confidence to those who are receiving vital services and who are already shielding that their safety is being prioritised

We wish to emphasise that all local government employees have our utmost thanks and support for the essential work they are carrying out during this pandemic.

Click to view the Non-Healthcare Setting FAQs.

Click to view the video from Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director of the Scottish Government, praising the Local Government Workforce.