COSLA response to Social Renewal Advisory Board report
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Following approval at today’s (Friday) Convention, COSLA is delighted to share its response to the Social Renewal Advisory Board’s report ‘If not now, when?’. The response highlights Local Government’s role during the pandemic and the actions being taken to address the inequalities and challenges facing people and communities, alongside a commitment to progress and adapt as we emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic.

COSLA President, Councillor Alison Evison, said:

"Local Government is the anchor in our communities; we work tirelessly to support our most vulnerable people; children, young people and families; the elderly; local businesses; and provide the services that protect and improve our physical and emotional well-being.  We are committed to working in partnership with the Scottish Government, Third Sector and our people and communities to address the challenges set out by the Social Renewal Advisory Board."

Recognising the need to embed the positive and rapid action taken throughout the pandemic and commit to a renewal that meets the needs of our people and communities, Local Government published its Blueprint in September 2020.

You can read COSLA’s full response here.