Scotland's Housing Festival 2021
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Councillor Kelly Parry, Community Wellbeing Spokesperson, spoke this morning at the Chartered Institute of Housing’s virtual Scotland's Housing Festival 2021, highlighting the need to ensure a partnership approach, across services, sectors, organisations when it comes to housing, and preventing homelessness.  Cllr Parry highlighted the important role of Local Government working with partners to shift Scotland’s response from one which categorises people by single issues, in turn triggering a fragmented and siloed response from systems and services, to a rights based, public health approach to supporting housing needs. As the sphere of Government with strategic housing responsibility in Scotland, Local Government note the announcement today that a strategy for the rented sector is to be part of the Scottish Government 20 year housing publication and will seek further discussion with partners on this – and hopes to see the rights based, public health approach, discussed this morning, at the centre of the strategy.”