New report highlights the role of local government in early learning and childcare - 12th June 2023
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Getting in Early”, a new report highlighting the central role of Local Government in delivering funded early learning and childcare, has been published today (Monday 12th June) by COSLA.

Since August 2021, all 3 and 4-year-olds and eligible 2-year-olds in Scotland have been able to access up to 1,140 hours of funded early learning and childcare per year (which equates to around 30 hours a week during term-time), representing a near doubling of the previous entitlement.

Working in close partnership with Scottish Government and ELC providers in the private, voluntary and childminding sectors, local authorities have successfully rolled out this significant expansion and are continuing to provide positive opportunities for play, learning and development.

Commenting as he launched the report today (Monday), COSLA’s Children and Young People Spokesperson Councillor Tony Buchanan said:  “I am pleased to launch COSLA’s “Getting in Early” report, which demonstrates the brilliant work Scotland’s councils and their partners are doing to support families and secure a positive start in life for the youngest in our communities, through delivering the 1140 hours entitlement via a wide range of high-quality local ELC services.

“There is much to celebrate in what has been achieved to date, with the report highlighting key areas of success including partnership and joined-up working; high and improving uptake of the offer; workforce growth; and high levels of satisfaction amongst parents and carers.

“The case studies highlight just a few examples of the exciting, innovative projects and approaches which exist across Scotland’s 32 local authorities.

“Local Government is committed to continuing to work with our partners, including Scottish Government, to further strengthen childcare provision in Scotland, to support the best possible experiences and outcomes for children and their families.”

Download the report here.