Pay Offer to Scottish Joint Council Workforce - 19th April 2023
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Details of the SJC Pay Offer

An offer to cover the period April 2023 to 31 March 2024 was made on 3 April 2023.

Effective from 1 April 2023

  • A 5% uplift on all Spinal Column Points (SCP)

Effective from 1 January 2024

  • An additional £0.45 on SCP2 to SCP18 and the underpinning Scottish Local Government Living Wage (SLGLW) rate. This will raise the SLGLW by £0.99 over the course of the financial year.
  • An additional 2.5% on SCP19 to SCP43, with smoothing consisting of slightly higher uplifts applied to SCP19, 20, and 21 to avoid “leapfrogging” of pay rates.
  • An additional 1.5% up on SCP44 to SCP64.
  • An additional 1% on SCP 65 and above.

For indicative purposes the table below shows the approximate impacts on annual salaries for an employee working a 37-hour week. Employees who are part-time or have shorter working weeks will receive changes to salaries which are proportionate to these.


Increase from 1 April 2023 5%

Effective from  January 2024 additional £0.45 to SLGLW, 2.5% up to SCP43, 1.5% up to SCP64, and 1% above that

Spinal Column Point (SCP)

2022/23 Hourly Rate

Salary 2022/23

New Hourly Rate

Uplift Value %

Uplift Value –salary

Year End



End Year Uplift Value %

Full Year Uplift Value




























Key Offer Features

  • The offer achieves parity with the SNCT settlement by providing an average 5.5% in-year value for 2023/24 and an average percentage uplift of 7% by the end of that Financial Year.
  • Our first pay point, the SLGLW, would become £0.94 per hour higher than the Living Wage Foundation’s 2022/2023 ‘real’ living wage from  January 2024.
  • Employees earning the SLGLW would see their gross pay increased by £1,909 per annum by the end of the financial year when compared to 31/3/23. This is a 9.12% pay increase.
  • Employees paid on national SCP 19 to SCP 43 see a 7.65% pay increase by the end of the financial year. This means that more than 58% of our SJC workforce receive a percentage increase of greater than 7% by the end of the period covered by the offer.
  • The offer meets the union side request for a differentiated settlement.
  • By  January 2024 employees on our first pay point will be being paid £11.84 per hour. This is £1.42 per hour more than the UK Government’s national living wage of £10.42 per hour.

Download our factsheet here to find out more