Mental Health Awareness Week 2024
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Mental Health Awareness Week 2024 will run from the 13th - 19th May.

COSLA's Health and Social Care Spokesperson, Councillor Paul Kelly Commented, recognising Local Government's role and continued commitment to supporting better mental health and wellbeing in our communities:

“This week (13th – 19th May) marks Mental Health Awareness Week 2024.

"This year’s theme is Movement: Moving more for our mental health. Being physically active plays a key part in maintaining good mental health. Movement also helps prevent poor mental health, highlighting the crucial role of prevention and early intervention in supporting mental health and wellbeing.

"As co-owners of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy with Scottish Government, Local Government remains committed to supporting better mental health and wellbeing for all in our communities, and will continue to work collectively across, and beyond government to realise the ambitions of the Strategy.”

COSLA Children and Young People Spokesperson, Councillor Tony Buchanan noted the vital importance of physical activity, especially for the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. Councillor Buchanan called for us all to set a good example for the children and young people around us:

"Being physically active at all ages is important, but for children and young people it's a great opportunity to set healthy habits for life. The mental health benefits can be significant, especially when we find the kind of exercise we enjoy.

"Local government promotes and supports children and young people in this through schools, youth work, community provision and outdoor spaces.

"This mental health week we can all fit in some movement and encourage our children and young people to move with us!"