COSLA Convention June 2022
COSLA Convention June 2022.
There will be a meeting of the COSLA Convention on Friday 17 June 2022 at 1100hrs.
Please click on an agenda item below to download the related paper (papers will be linked below as soon as they become available).
Public Session
1. Introduction
2. Election of President
3. Election of Vice President
4. Presentation on COSLA by Chief Executive
5. Job Descriptions of Office Bearers
6. Appointment of Spokespersons
7. Appointments to Outside Bodies
8. Appointments to COSLA Audit Group
9. Draft Minute of Previous Meeting of Convention on 25 February 2022.
10. COSLA’s strategic context and priorities for the new COSLA Plan (2022 – 2027)
11. European Charter of Local Self-Government - Update