Public Session
1. Welcome and Apologies
2. Presentation: Rachel Cackett (Chief Executive, Coalition of Care and Support Providers Scotland, CCPS) and Andrea Wood (CEO Key and CCPS Convenor), Notfor-profit social care sustainability: understanding the issues; finding solutions.
Private Session
3. Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising
4. Health and Social Care Update Paper & Board Workplan
5. National Care Service
6. Dementia Strategy: draft delivery plan
7. Draft COSLA Non-Residential Charging Guidance 2024-25
8. Records Management Code of Practice for Health and Social Care
9. Software as Medical Devices and implications for Local Government
10. HMICS Thematic Review of Policing Mental Health in Scotland .
11. Digital Health and Care Governance Framework
12. Mental Health Consultation Responses
13. Mental Health Officer Capacity
14. AOCB