COSLA Community Wellbeing Board June 2024
Fri 7th Jun
10:30am - 1:00pm
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1. Introduction
1.1 Welcome and Apologies
1.2 Minute of Previous Meeting of 19th April 2024

Items for Discussion and Decision

2. Presentation,  Board and COSLA Wide Item.
2.1 Update on Board Workplan 

3. COSLA of Living and Social Policy
3.1 Strategic Housing Policy 
3.2 Supported Accommodation Task and Finish Group's Report

4. Equalities and Human Rights
4.1 Equally Safe Delivery Plan- 2024-2026

5. Migration, Humanitarian Protection
5.1 New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy Delivery Plan 
5.2 Ending  Destitution Together Strategy- Update
5.3 Hong Kong Welcome  Hub Year 4 Strategy