COSLA Health and Social Care Board May 2024
Fri 10th May
10:30am - 1:00pm
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Public Session

  1. Welcome and Apologies
  2. Presentation: Public Health Scotland - working with you for a Scotland where everyone thrives: Michael Kellet Director of Strategy, Governance & Performance and Ruth Glassborow Director of Population Health & Wellbeing

    Private Session

  3. Revised Self Directed Support Framework of Standards
  4. Minutes of previous meeting
  5. Board Workplan
  6. Board Update Paper
  7. Food Promotions Regulations
  8. Self Harm Strategy Update
  9. Creating Hope Together Year 1 Annual Report and Year 2/3 Delivery Plan.
  10. Digital Telecare Update
  11. Records management Code of Practice for Health and Social Care
  12. TURAS refresh programme
  13. National Care Service