COSLA Leaders Meeting April 2024
Fri 26th Apr
11:00am - 1:00pm
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A COSLA meeting of Council Leaders took place on Friday 26th April 2024.


Public Session

1. Minute of previous meeting

Private session

2. Teacher Numbers, class contact time and SNCT issues

3. Education Assurance Arrangements

4. Children’s Services Social Care - £12 per Hour uplift in 2024-25

5. Scottish Government/Local Government Joint Digital Strategy – Progress

6. Publication of Local Government Workforce report

7. Persistent Organic Pollutants

8. Joint Address by Chief Constable and SPA Chair

9. Pay Negotiations Review

10.Pay – SJC Pay Negotiations Update and Options

11.Verity House Agreement Dispute Resolution Procedure

12.Local Government Finance update

13.National Care Service


More information is available about COSLA Leaders meetings for delegates is available here.