COSLA Leaders Meeting May 2024
Fri 31st May
11:00am - 1:00pm
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Public Session

1.  Minute of previous meeting
2.Address from PHS Chair and Chief Executive
3.Investing in Planning Consultation

Private Session

4.Historic Child Abuse Redress Scheme – Finance Report
5.Verity House Agreement (VHA)
6.VHA Dispute Resolution Procedure
7.2024/25 Pay Negotiations Update
8.Creating Hope Together Year 1 Annual Report and Year 2/3 Delivery Plan
9.National Care Service
10.Teacher Numbers Funding (LD/24/058)
11.Asylum Dispersal
12.Local Government Finance Update
13.Minimum Service Levels (LD/24/061)
14.Draft Equally Safe Delivery Plan 2024-26