COSLA Plan 2022 - 2027

COSLA launched a new Plan for Local Government in Scotland in November 2022.

The COSLA Plan sets out our vision and priorities for Local Government and communities across Scotland.

The document details six key priority areas we'll deliver on:

It will allow Local Government to build around an ambitious vision for Scotland’s future – one based on the empowerment of people and communities.

The document sets out six priorities for Local Government and our Communities:

  • Strengthen Local Democracy
  • Secure Sustainable Funding
  • Improve the Wellbeing of Individuals, Families and Communities
  • Enhance Education and Support for our Children and Young People
  • Deliver a Just Transition to a Net Zero Economy
  • Support the Most Vulnerable in our Communities

COSLA President Councillor Shona Morrison commented on the release of the new plan:

“Council services never stop. Delivering 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Councils are constantly working to provide the services that are crucial to the very fabric of our local communities - ensuring the wellbeing of individuals, families, and society. They provide the local democratic accountability needed to ensure our services address the most significant needs and priorities for people.

Our bold new plan for the next five years sets out the high-level ambitions which will be our focus for the period of the new Local Government administration up to 2027.

Local Government deserves a place at the top table, and this plan sets out the reasons why. The work Councils do is so important to people’s daily lives, and COSLA represents all 32 Local authorities in Scotland, so ensuring our voice is heard by both UK and Scottish Governments is imperative. The new COSLA Plan has been agreed by Scotland’s 32 Council Leaders, helping us move forward as an organisation, taking our full membership along with us”

The last few years have underlined the requirement for flexibility so our Plan must allow for change – COSLA and its member Councils have shown an unquestionable and unprecedented ability to adapt and embrace radical change in recent years and into the future. Annual reviews of the plan and its priorities will allow us to assess the need for change and continue our progress toward a strong positive vision for Local Government.”